Isabel reached out a few weeks before the photo shoot, asking if I was available and willing to take some photos of a few hair accessories she’s made. When I agreed, I imagined flatlay set ups involving books, flowers, pressed leaves… anything, else besides what we ended up actually capturing!

I have asked for some images for inspirations to help understand her vision for the shoot, but I have not seen anything until she walked through the door of my home studio wearing a Regency era inspired dress and carrying a basked filled with other dresses and the hair bows in question. Oly then was I informed that she wanted portraits in the style of Baroque paintings - bold, strong colors against the black wall of my studio. My first thought, and my actual answer to her was “I can’t do that! These images you’re showing me are done in studios specialised in portrait photography, with complicated lighting setups and backdrops and all the pizzaz that I do not posses.

She, however, thought I was perfect for the job and talked me into giving it my best try - after all, I has a few dramatic self portrait photos in my portfolio, so she knew it wasn’t impossible.

It took us 10 minutes of pulling props off the studio shelves and starting to arrange some scenes, until we fully immersed ourselves in our own little universe for a few hours, playing with light and capturing what I believe to be my best work as a photographer - at least the best one that involves a human. Isabel has been a dream to work with - her fluid movements, her studied, yet natural posture akin to a ballerina, and her beauty… Well, see for yourselves below.

Her shop can be found HERE


Laura & Alejandro - Whitehaven


In the mood for cake