Linen & Flowers - a collaboration with CrisannaBoutique

A small series of portraits and still imagery - inspired by the soft June weather, with its flowers and foliage.

Shot in the garden, the self portrait series seeks to showcase the duality of gardening life: delicate petals, dainty flowers, frail new growth pushing through the soil in contrast with a rusty metals, weeds, rough hands, dirty glass panes…

Enjoying all the new and the old, decaying beauty of a garden, with its pests, birds and unexpected rainfall - while draped in soft and flowy linen. Retreating indoors when the weather gets too averse, lighting candles to recapture the warmth of the sun, breaking bread at a table dressed in the finest table cloth in the house.

Savouring every mundane moment, soaking the silence and peace that comes with a day slow lived.


Set the table


Spring highlights